

乐安东(Antonio Leggieri)
意大利语翻译员: 乐安东(Antonio Leggieri)
乐安东(Antonio Leggieri)的主页:
更新日期: 2018-01-06
乐安东(Antonio Leggieri),意大利籍,出生于意大利Lizzano (Taranto)


翻译的恐怖以及恐怖的翻译:但丁《神曲·地狱篇》的翻译三题 (The translation of horror and the horror of translation: Three examples taken from Dante’s Inferno), in Sino-American Journal of Comparative Literature, 中美比较文学 Issue 2, April 2016, pages 222-241.

▪ 中国古人的“笑点”(The way of laughing of the ancient Chinese people), in 美文:汉风, Year 2015 Issue 11, pages 83-86.

On the three transformations in the play Seng Ni Gong Fan, in Ming-Qing Yanjiu, (expected, paper accepted in October 2016).

A monk and a nun commit a sin together (translation into English of the play Seng Ni Gong Fan) in Asian Theater Journal (expected, paper accepted in October 2016).

Le tre Storie (The three stories), ongoing translation project, started in January 2015, and revolving around the complete translation of the Sanyan 三言 trilogy into Italian.

Opere Mute (Mute operas), ongoing translation project, started in June 2016, and revolving around the complete translation of Li Yu’s Wushengxi 无声戏 short story collection into Italian.

▪ “Magistrates, doctors and monks: satire in the Chinese jestbook Xiaolin Guangji” at 21st World Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association (ICLA 2016), Vienna, July 2016.

“Ancient Chinese literary theories and Umberto Eco’s model author”,10thAnnual Conference on Asian Studies: Connecting the Old with the New, Department of Asian Studies, Palacky University Olomouc, Czech Republic, 4th of  November 2016.